عـودة للخلف   :: ملتقى فتيات الإسلام :: > ♥ سَمَآءَاْتٌ بَيْضَآءْ ♥ > صفحاتٌ مُلونة

صفحاتٌ مُلونة للمواضيع العامة التي لا تندرج تحت أي قسم

أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) منذ /02-16-2009, 12:20 PM   #1

@قطوف دانية@
اقحُوانَة مُتألقة
صورة @قطوف دانية@ الرمزية

@قطوف دانية@ غير متصل

 عضويتي : 11
 تاريخ إنتِسَآبيْ : Sep 2007
 مكاني : بين هآم السحاآاب
 مشاركاتي : 170
 التقييم : @قطوف دانية@ لازالتْ في بِداية الطــريق ْ... حَفظهاَ الــبَاريْ ورَعاهاَ ~
آخر تواجد: 03-20-2012 02:38 PM
الافتراضي come here!! to improve your English :)

Aslam 3alikom everyone

how are you dear sisters..:1_28:

ok .. If you know all of us want to improve her English Language

I am also improving my English,because my English is not very well

but I'm trying my best to improve it.

By anyway,,in this subject I hope evreyone of us don't feel shy to write in English. we want to learn ok

I think our sister Hamsah is a teacher(if I'm not wrong )
, so she will correct our writing in English

or anyone of our sisters can correct the writing, I hope she do .

Ok I'll start write an expression which I wrote it in my college forum


المشاركة الأساسية كتبها طيف الفرح مشاهدة المشاركة

Aslam 3alikom everyone

Masha Allah, it's really nice that you improve your English.

see I'm also improving my English, becuse if there is an English teacher here, she will discover many many mistakes from my writting.

By anyway,
Thank you Retaj so much.

And I rememberd when I was in my first year in this collage, the teacher gave us proverb said:

Curiosity killed the catالفضول قتل قطة

I laughed, becuse we are have the same meaning of that proverb
it is:

Curiosity killed the Donkey
:D :D :D
يعني اللقافة ذبحت حمار

the thing that made me luaghed was one of my friends heared me when I luaghed and said the comment.

so she laughed loudly:D And told the teacher the meaning in Arabic
:) :)
then I told the teacher we have as that proverb, and I explened it to her.

She and all the class were laughing so much.

So remember::

Curiosity is not good thing
it might kill a cat or it might a donkey

take care..

Taif Alfarah

:1_28:and now may you correct it for me please?

 - - - I S L A M G I R L S . C O M - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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